**I.** **12:05 Meeting Commencement**

*Present:* Cheryl Schneider, Misty Valenta, Matt Diederich, April Peiffer, Kim De Araujo, Kim Bishop, Rebecca LaBeth, and Amy Edwards

**II.** **Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes**

– The proposed meeting minutes were approved unanimously.

**III.** **Treasurer’s Report**

a. Treasurer Kim D provided a detailed financial report via email, including a breakdown.

   – The check for Fur Ball proceeds will be processed by Kim D shortly.

b. Second Chance funding information was emailed and discussed.  Cheryl mentioned that we need to pay close attention to the fact that we are bringing in less in second chances than we are paying out.

**IV.** **Assistance Request Manager’s Report**

a. Recommended payout: $17,878.87; Actual payout: $10,331.85

b. Matt is actively recruiting new members; Mary and Trisha are currently the only active team members.

c. Approval granted for bank cards for Mary and Trisha to have Bank card access.

**V.** **Fundraising**

– “Bets for Pets” scheduled for April 20, 2024. Committee preparations underway.

**VI.** **Old Business**

a. Matt is finalizing a presentation for shelter volunteers/fosters about Shelter organizations and opportunities.

b. Progress on potential training sponsorships; awaiting printing completion.

c. Facebook fundraising change is set up and ready.

**VII.** **New Business**

a. Discussion on updating the charter/mission statement; consensus needed. Consideration of FANS supporting “extracurricular” payments via Georgetown Friends of the Shelter.

b. Backup for April’s communications when she’s out; Matt identified as the backup.

c. Motion passed for FANS to contribute up to $500 for Volunteer Appreciation Party.

**VIII.** **Other Business**

a. Proposal to meet more frequently for increased efficiency.

b. Misty proposed a $75 gift card donation for fostering a large dog for 3 weeks; approved using specific shelter donations.

**IX.** **Meeting Conclusion**

– Adjourned at 1:07. Next meeting tentatively set for 2/9/24 (possible earlier meeting if needed).


I. 12:01 Meeting called to order with Misty Valenta, Matt Diederich, April Peiffer, Kim De Araujo, Kim Bishop, Rebecca LaBeth
II. Vote to approve previous meeting notes-Matt proposed, Rebecca approved, all voted in favor
III. Report from Treasurer: Kim D presented. Discussed current balances and disbursements. Discussed sending Thank You cards from FANS for large donations. April has some cards printed w/ FANS logo to contribute; Mary B will send thank you cards. Discussed moving funds to savings with a higher yield. Cheryl suggested checking with Chase they seem to have high interest rate; Kim D checking w/ Tara about AATFCU about their returns.
IV. Report from Assistance Request Team=total requests 29. Of the 29 there were 23 requests for dogs and 6 for cats. Total funds voted: $7,963.05. Total funds disbursed: $7,913.64. Total funds pending: $769.34. Matt is circling around with Assistance Team about individual debit cards for a few members.
V. Fundraising – no new business.
VI. Old Business:
a. Reminder on Birthday fundraiser. Matt reminded everyone to do birthday
fundraising and it is being tracked for comparison to Amplify Austin. We are
doing pretty well so far with these.
b. Matt working on presentation for shelter volunteers/fosters on different
c. Matt discussed updates to GSuite admin panel for email accounts, names and
access for VP/Treasurer
d. April still working on potential training sponsorships
VII. New Business:
a. Matt discussed that Apple is doing a new volunteering rollout. We may see
additional volunteers at the shelter for volunteering activities. Matt still working
on and if it happens Apple will be providing matching funds
b. Kim D led discussion on Vista Print. They need business ID number for taxes
VIII. Other Business:
a. Misting is working on grant funds for washing machines. Misty and April
scheduling meeting with the Foundation to discuss.
Meeting Adjourned at 12:33 PM. Next meeting scheduled for Sept 18 at 12:00 PM

May, 2023 Meeting Minutes




  1. 12:00 PM Meeting called to order with Misty Valenta, Matt Diederich, April Peiffer, Kim De Araujo, Kim Bishop and Amy Edwards present
  2. Vote to approve previous meeting notes-Matt Proposed, Amy approved, all voted in favor           
  3. Report from Treasurer:  
  4. Fund raiser for Christie sanctuary transfer-we wrote a check for $1,300.00. 
  5. Funds spent on Volunteer appreciation were $410.25 spent.
  6. Kim D reported following up on Interest Bearing Accounts.  We could safely put $50k into high access yield account.  Amy motioned for this to be done and Misty seconded.  Motion passed.
  7. Report from Assistance Request Team:
  8.  March 21-May 21:  20 total requests.  Covered total of $7,392.88.  Paid out: $813.88.  2 services not covered (spay surgery, housing) and 2 were out of Jurisdiction.
  9. Fundraising
  10.  Bets for Pets.  April reported that it was a HUGE success this year.  We exceeded goal and all previous fundraising for this event.  Tickets were sold out.
  11.  Kim B raised $235 from Birthday fundraiser on Facebook
  12.  Old Business
  13. Presentation for shelter volunteers/fosters.  Matt working on the presentation.
  14. Updates to GSuite admin panel for email accounts/names/access for VP/Treasurer.  Matt working on.
  15. Potential training sponsorships – $100 sponsorship for each dog that gets adopted.  It was decided to direct all to Lisa Heathco (One Up Dog Training).  If it gets to be too much for her, then we will explore other trainers as a backup.  Misty suggested to utilize Vista Print for cards to hand out with adoptions.  April will work on the cards.  Kim D will work on getting set up as a non-profit and let April know once we have obtained that.  Possible QR code to lead a person to FANS website, which will need to be updated for this program. 
  16. Matt attended conference with Philanthroforce and will check on getting set up so we can utilize this. 
  17. New Business
  18.   Philanthroforce seminar.  Matt attended conference with Philanthroforce and will check on getting set up so we can utilize this. 

 Matt moved to adjourn meeting at 12:41 PM.  Next meeting is July 17, 12:00 p.m.            

March, 2023 Meeting Minutes


  1. 12:07 Meeting called to order with Cheryl Schneider, Misty Valenta, Matt Diederich, April Peiffer, Kim De Araujo, Kim Bishop, Rebecca LaBeth
  1. Vote to approve previous meeting notes-Matt proposed, Rebecca approved, all voted in favor
  1. Report from Treasurer: Report was given on balances, and ytd money spent by Kim D. 

Misty suggested that we move some money to a high yield savings account.  Kim D will investigate options.

Cheryl suggested using the orientation money that has been collected to fund the volunteer appreciation day in April.  Will get together a motion and vote once logistics are worked out.

      IV.    Report from Assistance Request Manager given by Matt D.  26 requests were received thru 3/20.  Request form is being updated to include more information.

  1. Fundraising: April-Bets for pets 4/22, all normal things happen, back at Nyle Maxwell vehicles unique.  Ticket prices is $50/ticket and the fundraising website is up.
  2. Remove Amplify Austin from Agenda.
  3. FANS Membership Program.  A piece explaining FANS needed before we set up program.  4 tiers were discussed.  We will revisit this once details are worked out.
  4. Matt is continuing to work on Gsuite.
  5. Reminder for Board Members to do a Birthday Fundraiser for FANS. 

Matt and Kim B will continue to work on getting approved notes published to website.

New Business:

  1.  Misty is working on Grant presentation for Maddi’s fund potential grant and Pedigree grant. 
  •  Discussion and questions regarding continuing Teacher’s Pet program.   Cheryl motions that we support shelter by offering 1 session w/ approved trainer.  Invoice sent to us to pay. Limited to $100. Kim D seconded-unanimously passed.  Matt will add this information to the FANS website and Rebecca will post information on Facebook and Instagram.  We will continue to discuss a name for the program.

Adjourn: Matt motions for meeting to be closed.  12:59meeting Adjourned.  Next meeting May 22 @ 12:00 PM

January, 2023 Board Minutes


  1. 12:07 Meeting called to order with Cheryl Schneider, Misty Valenta, Matt Diederich, April Peiffer, Kim De Araujo, Kim Bishop, Rebecca LaBeth and Diane Murray from Friends of Georgetown Animal Shelter visiting.  Amy Edwards joined meeting
  1. Vote to approve previous meeting notes-Matt proposed, Rebecca approved, all voted in favor
  1. Report from Treasurer: high level ytd and last 60 days and projection

Discussion over what to report.  Decided to report high level year to date, the last 60 days of expenditures and projection for the year.  Once a year do a retrospective of the former year.

      IV.    MD:  Report from Assistance Request Manager: last 8 weeks 18 req (8 no response), approved 7 req average 618.38.  Total approved: $6,700, total amount $4,328.63. Discussion about replying after 1 week without word from the requestor, we will try this. 

a.  Fundraising: April-Bets for pets 4/22, all normal things happen, back at Nyle Maxwell vehicles unique, committee not yet begun planning, but very close. Starting soon.  For Janes fund.

Old Business: Matt-website updates: New members are now listed and all up to date.

Purchasing kennels for kittens? Matt.  Misty-yes, just waiting for kennels to come in

Matt and Kim B will work on getting approved notes published to website.

New Business:

  1. Discussion regarding number of votes needed to approve a request.  Decided to check into possibly changing, but we feel good about current process. (from old notes).
  2. Matt to check about group texts phone numbers. Kim B not getting. Can vote yes in text messages rather than relying on FB.
  3.   Matt would like to step back from assistance requests and free up some time for current members. Has 2 folks that are interested.  He will get with them and let us know
  •  FANS can help shelter (ways they can)

Discussion about FANS helping more for shelter small purchase items. Tabling until we have some idea of what we are looking at.. 

  • Discussion of process for working with Vets to pay for approved items.
  • Matt to work w/ April to get into GSuite Admin panel to get email addresses for Board members. 
  • Discussion of budget line item for staff. Kim D motions that FANS fund volunteers support staff appreciation and hospitality.  Misty seconds. Item passed.  Matt to add something to Volunteer page for this item.
  • Discussion of Mail Chimp. We would like to wait for April to get options. Matt-let’s table until we get info.
  • Discussion of possible FANS memberships-1 time or sustaining.  KD-Join to be a member (revenue source). Would like to see tiered document w/ membership program.  Looks promising.  MD-motion, 2nd from Cheryl. Passed.    
  • Matt and KD working w/ Erin on Ipads.  Should have something soon.

Other Business: Matt any other business? April has some items. 

  1. Discussion regarding old logo FANS shirts we have. We would like to give away to volunteers.  Matt will do a post about pushing info to give away.
  • Discussion and questions regarding continuing Teacher’s Pet program.   Cheryl motions that we support shelter by offering 1 session w/ approved trainer.  Invoice sent to us to pay. Limited to $100. Misty seconds-unanimously passed. Cheryl to come. up w/ what goes in packet and works w/ staff to implement.
  • Discussion regarding the contract with GiveSmart. Going to renew for a year. Matt: its ok for April to sign contract; Motion Matt to pass, Amy 2nds, passed.

Adjourn: Cheryl motions for meeting to be closed.  1:58 meeting Adjourned.  Next meeting March 13, 2023 @ 12:00 PM